
Adventures of Ariel and Mowgli#4 pt 2.

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                                        The Adventures of Ariel and Mowgli#4 pt 2: Bagheera Comes Back

    Bagheera watched as Mowgli stuck close to Ariel as they walked back to their home, as they’ve called it. Bagheera saw how Ariel kept glancing over her shoulder at him, and the same with Rikki the mongoose. Ariel and Mowgli brought the panther to the clearing and there was their cave and the fire pit still smoking from their meal. He took notice of the weapons that were near the fire and the rock where the rabbit meat had been, smelling the remnants of the blood.
‘She’s been showing him how to hunt.’ He thought to himself.
Mowgli gave Ariel the Tigerlily he still had in his hand, “Oh, nice job Mowgli. That is a Tigerlily.”
Mowgli smiled. Bagheera raised an eyebrow, “Why does he have that particular flower with him?”
Ariel turned to the panther, “One of the lessons that he has with me is to identify plants. Knowing what can harm you or help you.”
‘Not a bad idea.’ Bagheera admitted. This girl-cub seemed to know what she was doing but he wasn’t satisfied until he saw what else she had been teaching Mowgli.
Ariel and Mowgli walked to the river, “Ready for swimming?”
“Yeah, the sun is extra hot today,” Mowgli said, wiping sweat off his brow.
“But before we do Lil’ bro,” Ariel grabbed a long thick branch that was the size of her, “do some pushups.”
Mowgli grimaced but nodded. Pushups were not his favorite exercise but he had to admit it was helping his arm strength, so he went with it.
Bagheera watched as the two humans got to the ground and started to push themselves up and slowly move back down to the ground and vice versa. He rose an eyebrow,
“What exactly is the purpose of this?”
Ariel tilted her head to look at the panther, “It helps us have good upper body strength.”
“Plus it makes it easier to climb trees and swing from the vines.” Mowgli cheekily, making Ariel laugh a bit.
Rikki who stood next to Bagheera shook his head in amusement. Bagheera noted the mongoose before going back to Ariel and Mowgli.
“Ok, I think we’re good for now Mowgli,” Ariel said.
Mowgli stood up and walked with Ariel to the river nearby. Ariel dove headfirst and Mowgli followed once she came up to the surface. The cool water felt wonderful in the scorching heat. Ariel laughed as Mowgli parted the wet hair from his eyes, “Ok, you ready?”
“Yep,” Mowgli responded jumping a bit.
“Ok, let’s just warm up first with some freestyle from the banks back to the rocks here.”
Ariel immediately dove forward and started kicking with Mowgli right behind her. Bagheera watched as both the humans started moving around in the river back forth between the banks and rocks.
“Rikki, enlighten me please, what exactly is Ariel teaching him here?”
“Ariel is showing Mowgli how to swim quickly.”
“Why should he be learning this?” Bagheera knew that Mowgli could swim but why teach him how to do it quickly?
“So if he’s ever in danger in the water he knows what to do depending upon the situation. Ariel’s a good teacher and sister Bagheera. Try to have some faith in her.”
“She’s still a human and a girl-cub.”
“Not as much as you think though. Ariel has been on her own for almost her whole life. When both she and Mowgli met they both have grown into a close relationship as siblings. In the past week since I’ve been with them I can see they both care about each other and are capable of handling whatever obstacles come their way. Just try and see a bit closer.”
Bagheera stared as Rikki hopped away and went closer to the banks to watch Ariel and Mowgli. Bagheera was thinking about what the mongoose told him. He was pulled out of his thoughts hearing Ariel laugh. Mowgli splashed her and Ariel splashed back. He saw both of them laughing as they kept getting each other wet.  Mowgli tried to duck Ariel only for her to playfully scoop him up and threw him a few feet in the air and having him land in the water. Mowgli popped up, shaking his head like a wolf, getting Ariel wet.
“Ok, that’s enough. Let’s work on your underwater breathing now.”
Both Ariel and Mowgli dove underwater taking large breaths and went under. Bagheera raised an eyebrow at their sudden disappearance. As seconds passed, he started to get nervous. There was no indication of the two humans coming up. Bagheera called out,
“Mowgli? Ariel?”
Seconds passed and nothing. “That does it. I’ll drag those two out of there and-“
Ariel and Mowgli came to the surface taking large gulps of air, “What was the time Rikki?” Ariel coughed out.
“Almost forty seconds.”
“And just what was the purpose of that?” Bagheera asked exasperated. It didn’t look like they were accomplishing anything.
“Mowgli is learning how to handle himself in any environment that he’s living in.”
“Which includes learning how to drown himself?” Bagheera said.
“No. He was just learning how to breathe underwater: for hunting fish while swimming and also if he needs to keep himself hidden he can use the water just the same.”
“This is ridiculous. What you’re doing will not allow you to stay alive in the jungle.”
“You haven’t even seen most of them yet,” Ariel said.
“I’ve seen more than enough. You two are going back to the man-village.”
“No, we’re not,” Mowgli said.
Ariel put a hand on his shoulder, “Bagheera, let us show you some more before you make a decision please?” Ariel pleaded.
The Panther seemed put out at the idea but pondered over it and with a resigned sigh, he said, “Alright. I’ll watch a few more but that is it.”
both humans sighed in relief, it was going to take time to get Bagheera to see they knew what they were doing but hopefully it would all work out in the end.


  After doing swimming lessons, Ariel and Mowgli continued to show Bagheera what else Ariel was teaching the boy. Ariel had Mowgli scale the treetops again, and Bagheera seemed to admit that it was an improvement as he watched Mowgli climb to the top and climb back down with little effort, but that wasn’t enough to change his mind. After the tree-climbing, Ariel and Mowgli both swung from the vines and showed some moves like what would happen if a predator was behind in mid-air or below. Ariel and Mowgli went back to identifying plants again and were about to find each plant Ariel asked him to go bring back. Bagheera watched as Mowgli listened to Ariel and followed the instructions as she explained them to the man-cub.
“Ok, Mowgli, are you ready for our last lesson of the day?” Ariel asked.
“Sure Ariel.” Mowgli said, standing in front of her, “What are we doing now?”
Bagheera rolled his eyes a bit, what idiotic thing was she gonna do now with Mowgli?
“Today is where I’m going to show you to handle yourself in a dangerous situation: like if you were going against a rogue animal that decided to attack.”
Mowgli nodded.
“First, let me grab the knife from the cave.”
Ariel ran off to the cave, Bagheera raised an eyebrow at the mention of ‘knife.’ Ariel came back holding a gleaming knife in her hand. The sunlight shined on the blade, making it look menacing.
“Ok, before we do anything. I’m going to show you some basic moves you need to know with using this,” Ariel held the knife in her right hand, “First thing is how to properly hold it. You want the blade to be like this,” Ariel showed Mowgli the blade was upright pointing to the sky, “always keep the tip away from you because if you face it the other way, you’re likely to stab yourself with it. Understand?”
Mowgli nodded as he kept his eyes on Ariel and the knife in her hand.
“Now, if you are going to use it, have the blade pointing out, like so,” Ariel shifted the knife and pointed the knife making the blade go outward, “If you’re going to stab, you have a firm grip on the hilt here, and you can go forward,” Ariel moved a step, Mowgli watching the blade, “Up,” Ariel moved her arm and the knife was up ready to gouge something, “or down,” and Ariel moved her arm down.
Bagheera watched as Mowgli’s eyes followed the movement of the knife. He knew that was a hunter’s knife. Man would carry that with them along with their guns.
“Ok Mowgli, see how it feels in your hand.”
Ariel gave him the knife and Mowgli moved his wrist a bit with the knife in his hand. It felt a bit heavy but he could move it around. Mowgli started to lightly throw it up in the air, testing the weight.
“Ok, let’s start with the proper way to move with it.” Ariel said as she went behind Mowgli and lightly grabbed his wrist, “Ok, try to move with me as we’re walking together.”
Ariel walked forward and Mowgli did the same by keeping a grip on the knife. Ariel then suddenly went back a few steps, making Mowgli almost topple backward but regained his footing. Mowgli got a sense of Ariel moving forward and shifted his feet in the same direction, then she moved back, as Mowgli felt the tug on his arm, he moved back with her. Soon both Ariel and he were moving in sync with one another. Ariel broke away from behind and Mowgli started moving with the knife in his hand.
“Try to think of the knife as a part of you. It’s your weapon, only you can use it.” Ariel said as she watched him.
Mowgli slowly started shifting his feet in the stances while trying to focus on the knife in his hand. He felt his hands gripping the leather hilt while also trying to make sense of what Ariel was saying. The knife as a part of him? He looked at his sister,
“Ariel, I’m not sure what you mean exactly.
“Ok, let’s try this: pretend I’m Kaa for instance coming to wrap you again. You have the knife what do you do.”
Ariel said as she got in front of him, making it look like she was going to grab him. Mowgli backtracked out of the way as Ariel lunged for him. Mowgli kept his distance while remembering not to look at her eyes. Even though it was pretended, he could imagine himself going against Kaa again and was prepared to make sure he could handle the snake should it ever happen. Mowgli heard the slight noise of Ariel moving around. Just as he heard the sound of her feet coming closer he moved again.
“Good job Mowgli. What are you realizing right now? You can’t look at Kaa, you closed your eyes but what did you do just there?”
“I moved?”
“Yes, but how did you know where to go?” Ariel said.
Mowgli pondered over it. He couldn’t see anything, but…he did hear her…That's it! He could tell where she was by hearing her move around!
“I could hear you moving around.”
“Yes! That’s it. You knew where I was by using your sense of hearing. Good job. Sometimes if you can’t use one sense, try using the other.”
Mowgli opened his eyes and grinned. Ariel returned the grin. Bagheera had a small smile on his face as Mowgli figured it out. ‘Perhaps…these lessons are helping him.’
“Ok, now that you know how to do that, let’s try the knife again,” Ariel said.


  The next hour was spent with Ariel showing Mowgli to use the knife. Mowgli learned how to swiftly stab forward, up, down, and move around carefully with it in his hands. Ariel had done more mock fights with Mowgli using the knife. The sun was about to set and Ariel declared it was time to hunt for dinner. Ariel went off to check the traps while Mowgli started gathering dry grass and wood for the fire pit. Rikki was helping Mowgli with the dry grass, Bagheera came and watched the two work together,
“I have to say Man-cub, you found yourself quite the friend.”
“She’s more than my friend Bagheera, Ariel’s my sister,” Mowgli said.
Bagheera was a bit surprised by the tone, “Not by blood though Mowgli.”
“So what? Ariel’s the greatest. She’s been there for me ever since we ran into each other and she saved me from Agnita.”
“Agnita? The naga?” Bagheera asked, sounding a bit startled and worried.
“After I ran away from you I fell into a river, Ariel was swimming nearby and she helped me out. While we were playing Agnita got me with her tail and dragged me up to the tree. She kept calling me her mate,” Bagheera rose an eyebrow when he heard, “But Ariel got to me in time and she offered a place to live with her and have been with her ever since.”
Bagheera was shocked to hear what Mowgli had told him. The two humans meet and after rescuing him from Agnita she invited him to live with her? He was still digesting that another human lived out in the jungle and no one seemed to know about her. Mowgli was just about to start cracking the rocks against each other till both of them heard a scream. Both Bagheera, Rikki, and Mowgli stood up stiff, Mowgli grew scared recognizing the scream,
Mowgli grabbed the knife which was tucked back into the scabbard and went running off into the jungle with Rikki behind him.
“Mowgli! Wait a moment.” Bagheera said as he got up and ran after the boy.


 Mowgli ran hard, his lungs hitting his chest in fear as he tried to figure out where he heard Ariel’s voice coming from. Mowgli looked where he was heading he stopped and called out,
Nothing. Mowgli started to panic till he heard, “MOWGLI!”
Mowgli took off again with Rikki and Bagheera hot on his heels beside him. Mowgli ran in the direction he was hoping where Ariel’s voice had come from. He pulled away from a large bustle of ferns and gasped at what he saw. Ariel was trapped over the rushing river with her lower half leg caught in a log. Ariel looked up and saw Mowgli, she looked scared.
“Mowgli, I’m stuck.”
“Sis hold on, I’m coming.” Mowgli said, getting out of the brush, heading for the river banks.
Bagheera jumped right in front of him, stopping him.
“Mowgli, stay where you are and I’ll get her.” Bagheera said,
“Bagheera, Ariel’s my sister. I’ll do it.”
Before Bagheera could stop him, Mowgli leaped over the panther and made his way out onto the log. Ariel watched as Mowgli slowly tested the weight of the log, putting his right foot on the bark. It creaked, but it seemed sturdy. Mowgli slowly went out, cringing as he heard the log continue to groan. Ariel got nervous as she watched her little brother trying to steady himself as he walked over the rushing water. Mowgli bit back a gasp as he felt the log dip a bit. In a few painful seconds, he made it to Ariel.
“Hold on sis.”
Ariel watched as Mowgli squatted down and looked at where half her leg was stuck. Bagheera watched as Mowgli slowly moved his hands around her leg and tried to get his fingers into the cracks of the rotting wood. Biting his lip, Mowgli started to dig the tips of his fingers into Ariel’s leg and made it down halfway into the cracks. Once he felt his grip was strong enough, Mowgli started to lift Ariel’s leg. She grimaced as she felt some of the bark pinch her skin, trying to not panic as she felt the log groaning and creaking again.  Mowgli found himself pulling Ariel’s leg easily out of the log. Ariel smiled and Mowgli beamed. The log gave a groan and a jolt as the log started to fall, the only thing holding it was the ends stuck in the earth and rock across the way.
“Come on.” Ariel said as she felt her leg free.
Mowgli didn’t need to answer as he tried to walk away. Ariel followed behind him. Once they made it to the banks, Ariel said, “Good work Mowgli, you passed your test.”
“Test? What test?”
Ariel got up from her position, “I wasn’t really in danger. The idea was to see what you would have done if I had been in actual danger. You handled it very well back there.”
“So you never really were in danger?” Mowgli said in disbelief.
“No. I wasn’t. I’m sorry I tricked you like that. It was part of your lessons, to find out how much you learned and needed to keep learning.” Ariel explained.
Mowgli looked at her in shock. His sister tricked her? He thought she was in danger! He felt angry, a bit betrayed, but…he did understand why she did it. Mowgli realized that it was to see if he had been paying attention to the lessons. He helped Ariel out of a situation that could’ve been dangerous had it been real. He looked at her, “I feel a bit mad, but I understand why you did it. You needed to know that I was learning from what you were showing me. And now I can see what I need to learn still. So…no hard feelings.”
Ariel smiled. Bagheera had his jaw drop at what he just heard from Mowgli. Since when did this boy get so mature? The moment was ruined when out of nowhere a large growl priced the silence. Ariel and Mowgli got into position and the same went with Bagheera and Rikki. From above the trees, a large scruffy-looking black leopard came out, its eyes gleaming with hunger as it turned to Mowgli and Ariel. Bagheera acted and got right in front of the leopard baring his teeth. The leopard didn’t back down and instead, it began to attack. Ariel and Mowgli watched as both cats started fighting. The rogue leopard got Bagheera in the head and looked ready to bite his neck. Till a large rock clocked it on the head, the leopard turned and growled as it saw Ariel baring her teeth, making growling noises similar to a panther.
“Mowgli, go I got this.” She said grabbing the knife she pulled out from underneath her loincloth.
Mowgli didn’t waste time as he ran but went for Bagheera as Ariel took on the rogue leopard.
“Bagheera, you ok?” Mowgli said trying to help him to his paws.
“Not as young as I used to be, man-cub, but I’ll be fine.” Bagheera groaned, shaking the stars from his head.
A yelp caught Mowgli’s attention. Ariel was back on the log over the river with the leopard closing in. The leopard swiped at her and Ariel sidestepped but fell. The leopard looked ready to go in for the kill. Mowgli grew scared but determination filled him as he grabbed the falling rock and aimed it precisely at the leopard’s head as Ariel had. The leopard growled as it turned to Mowgli. Mowgli kept his stance and glanced up. He saw a vine that was not too far up. If he could jump, he could swing over to Ariel and get her to safety. As the leopard jumped, so did Mowgli. Mowgli got the vine and swung forward out to Ariel.
“Ariel.” Mowgli held out his hand and pulled her up.
The leopard was back up and coming for both of them, “Wait till the last second.” He said.
Ariel nodded as they both looked at the big cat coming for them. Mowgli felt the log dip and could tell Ariel felt it too. They had to get off fast. The leopard went for them and that was the cue. Ariel and Mowgli both swung on the vine to the banks and just as the leopard landed on the log, a large crack went appeared in the middle, causing it to break further and fall into the river, taking the leopard with it.


  Ariel and Mowgli both watched as the leopard was being washed by the current. Ariel looked at Mowgli blankly,
“You saved me.”
Mowgli turned and a light blush came on his face, “Y-yeah I guess I did.” He said rubbing the back of his neck.
Ariel pulled him into a bear hug, “Good job little brother,” Giving him an appreciative smile.
“Yes indeed, Mowgli,” Bagheera said, “You did well, helping your sister. I admit that you are teaching him good things, Ariel. He did handle himself well in the face of danger.”
Ariel and Mowgli were shocked, Bagheera believed them now!
“However, don’t think that this doesn’t mean I won’t be keeping an eye on you two. I’ll be making regular visits at the cave to make sure you’re still keeping up with these lessons you’ve given him Ariel.”
“Bagheera, you mean-“ Ariel started to ask,
“Yes. Against my better judgment, I won’t force you two to go back to the man-village. You can stay where you are in the jungle for now.”
Mowgli smiled and said, “I’m glad that you can see why Bagheera, but I do know why you had your reasons. Besides, it’d be nice to see you drop by.”
Bagheera smiled and came up to Mowgli. Mowgli hugged him and Bagheera rubbed his paw on his back. He turned to Ariel and said,
“Take care of him, Ariel.”
Ariel smiled, “Don’t need to worry about that. Now come on, some rabbits have been caught in the traps. I’d say it’s time for dinner and you’re more than welcome to join us Bagheera.”
“I might take you up on that.” The panther said.
Everyone laughed as they all walked back to the cave.
Here's the second half of episode 4.  credit for storyplot also goes to jazz316.

Sorry it's so late.

credit for pic goes to hypnotica2002
© 2015 - 2024 PinkWarrior30
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Well, well, well. It looks like Bagheera is finally convinced by Ariel and Mowgli after all.

2 thumbs up. And note to self: Ariel and Mowgli are here to stay.